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    Annual departmental advertising placement spend 2019–20

    Department Category Total
    Campaign Non-Campaign
    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships 0 64,452 64,452
    Agriculture and Fisheries 359,168 232,781 591,949
    Child Safety, Youth and Women 54,704 19,924 74,628
    Communities, Disability Services and Seniors 151,778 62,466 214,244
    Corrective Services 0 31,151 31,151
    Education 716,049 180,914 896,963
    Employment, Small Business and Training 2,057,919 50,258 2,108,177
    Environment and Science 78,825 297,342 376,167
    Fire and Emergency Services 1,580,110 200 1,580,310
    Health 9,474,902 156,081 9,630,982
    Housing and Public Works 112,378 237,211 349,589
    Justice and Attorney-General 11,302 58,312 69,614
    Local Government, Racing and Multicultural Affairs 0 55,995 55,995
    Natural Resources, Mines and Energy 13,929 225,104 239,033
    Police 0 10,076 10,076
    Premier and Cabinet 3,912,110 136,332 4,048,442
    Regional Development and Manufacturing 0 0 0
    State Development, Tourism and Innovation 0 0 0
    Transport and Main Roads 6,043,134 355,337 6,398,471
    Treasury 99,725 41,329 141,055
    Youth Justice 0 32,012 32,012
    *Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services (15,000) 0 (15,000)
    *Innovation, Tourism Industry Development and the Commonwealth Games 0 23,268 23,268
    *State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning 443,788 174,155 617,943
    TOTAL LINE DEPARTMENTS 25,094,819 2,444,701 27,539,520

    *N.B. Billings listed from Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services; Innovation, Tourism Industry Development and the Commonwealth Games; and State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning relate to departments that have changed or were abolished due to machinery of government.

    Amounts included are in Australian dollars and rounded to the nearest $1.

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    Last updated:
    22 April, 2021
    Last reviewed:
    23 April, 2021