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    Cabinet documents and minutes
    Search for released Cabinet documents including Cabinet decisions, minutes and related papers by date or topic.

    Impact Analysis Statements
    The Queensland Government Better Regulation Policy requires an Impact Analysis Statement (IAS) for all regulatory proposals, which must be approved by the Minister and published after final approval of a regulatory proposal by Cabinet or Governor in Council. The following IAS have been approved by the Premier.



    How we make decisions

    Establishing Memorials and Monuments of Significance (.docx, 23 KB)
    How we make decisions about official memorials and monuments.

    Constructing Memorials and Monuments of Significance—guidelines for submission (.doc, 30 KB)
    Guidelines for submission to construct official memorials and monuments.

    Queensland Government Advertising Code of Conduct
    Queensland Government departments must observe a State Cabinet endorsed Advertising Code of Conduct when developing communication campaigns.

    Queensland Plan—input from Queenslanders
    More than 78,000 Queenslanders had their say contributing to the Queensland Plan.

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    Last updated:
    3 September, 2024
    Last reviewed:
    3 September, 2024