The Queensland Government is now in caretaker mode until after the state election. Minimal updates will be made to this site until after the election results are declared.

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    The Department of the Premier and Cabinet is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information.

    We understand and appreciate that as visitors and users of this website you are concerned about privacy, confidentiality and security of personal information provided to us.

    Public sector agencies are required to adhere to the Information Privacy Act 2009 (the Act). The Act includes 11 Information Privacy Principles.

    Privacy Awareness Week

    The theme for Privacy Awareness Week (1–7 May 2023) is Privacy 101: Back to basics. This year’s theme is about calling on public sector agencies, their staff and the community to make sure we have the essentials in place to protect our personal information, and the personal information of others, in an environment of rapidly changing technology.

    This annual event aims to raise awareness within the public sector and the broader community of the importance of protecting and respecting personal information. The department is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information it collects, holds and shares in an increasingly connected world. This includes meeting the challenges of cybersecurity and data protection. Members of the community are also encouraged to protect their personal information, particularly when interacting online.

    Are you taking enough care about your privacy?

    You can:

    Information collected on this website

    This site does not store personal information in cookies. If used, cookies on this site are strictly limited to providing the visitor with the ability to customise the site for return visits or to allow the visitor to carry information across different pages. Cookies are not used to track or identify visitors for any other purpose.

    When you visit the Department of the Premier and Cabinet's web site, our web servers make a record of your visit and logs the following information for statistical purposes only:

    • The user's server address (Internet Protocol or IP address)
    • The user's top level domain name (for example .com, .gov, .au etc.)
    • The date and time of visit to the site
    • The pages accessed and documents downloaded
    • The previous site visited
    • The type of browser used.

    No attempt is or will be made to identify users or their browsing activities except in the unlikely event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect activity logs.


    As this is a Queensland Government web site, email correspondence sent to this site is treated as a public record and will be retained as required by the Public Records Act 2002 and other relevant regulations.

    Unless specified, your name and address will not be added to a mailing list, nor will we disclose these details to third parties without your consent, unless required by law. However, email messages may be monitored by authorised IT staff for purposes such as system troubleshooting and maintenance.

    Personal information records held by the department

    The department holds electronic and paper records containing personal information which can be broadly divided into two classes. Firstly, personal information relating to staff and secondly, personal information relating to the business and service delivery functions of the department.

    The department is divided into business areas which are further divided into business units, as per the department’s organisational chart. All areas of the department collect personal information in the course of their day-to-day activities for statutory and administrative reasons.

    The department also manages registers containing personal information, for example:

    • Queensland Register of Nominees to Government Boards
    • Queensland Register of Appointees to Government Bodies
    • Function and Events Register
    • Gifts Register
    • Corporate records / financial management records
    • Consultant / contractor / supplier records; and other personal information related to business and service delivery functions of the department.

    The department’s Privacy of Personal Information Guide provides more information regarding personal information, including how you can gain access to and amendment of your personal information.

    Obtaining access to personal information

    Requests to update personal information, such as a change of address, should be directed to the Privacy Contact Officer. Please refer to the Privacy of Personal Information Guide for more information.

    The Privacy Contact Officer is the appropriate point of contact if there are issues concerning access to personal information and can advise on access to personal information and legislative requirements governing such access.

    Privacy Complaints

    If you would like to make a privacy complaint, please refer to the department's Compliments and complaints page.

    If you have any queries about our privacy practices, please email the Privacy Contact Officer or phone (07) 3003 9230.

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    Last updated:
    2 May, 2023
    Last reviewed:
    2 May, 2023