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    Annual departmental advertising placement spend 2020–21

    Department Category Total
    Campaign Non-Campaign
    Agriculture and Fisheries 688,168 60,304 748,473
    Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs 262,131 33,107 295,238
    Communities, Housing and Digital Economy 0 2,309 2,309
    Corrective Services 0 23,486 23,486
    Education 1,124,411 92,390 1,216,801
    Employment, Small Business and Training 546,978 14,551 561,529
    Energy and Public Works 0 8,165 8,165
    Environment and Science 0 104,515 104,515
    Fire and Emergency Services 2,084,312 0 2,084,312
    Health 8,963,605 61,899 9,025,504
    Justice and Attorney-General 507,422 24,744 532,166
    Police 77,210 220 77,430
    Premier and Cabinet 8,668,841 20,889 8,689,730
    Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water 0 1,422 1,422
    Resources 0 77,595 77,595
    Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships 47,169 0 47,169
    State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning 390,521 199,959 590,480
    Tourism, Innovation and Sport 0 1,765 1,765
    Transport and Main Roads 6,576,850 255,966 6,832,816
    Treasury 821,506 18,868 840,375
    *Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships 0 22,387 22,387
    *Child Safety, Youth and Women 1,306,764 1,130 1,307,894
    *Communities, Disability Services and Seniors 23 328 351
    *Housing and Public Works 238 124,355 124,593
    *Innovation, Tourism, Industry Development and the Commonwealth Games 0 -539 -539
    *Natural Resources, Mines and Energy 0 122,098 122,098
    *State Development, Tourism and Innovation 129,424 19,765 149,189
    *State Development, Manufacturing, Innovation and Planning -6,804 0 -6,804
    *Youth Justice 0 13,828 13,828
    TOTAL LINE DEPARTMENTS 32,188,770 1,305,505 33,494,275

    *N.B. Billings listed for Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships; Child Safety, Youth and Women; Communities, Disability Services and Seniors; Housing and Public Works; Innovation, Tourism, Industry Development and the Commonwealth Games; Natural Resources, Mines and Energy; State Development, Tourism and Innovation; Communities, State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning; and Youth Justice relate to departments that have changed or were abolished due to machinery of government.

    Amounts included are in Australian dollars and rounded to the nearest $1.

    Non-campaign includes expenditure for recruitment advertising (excluding SEEK).

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    Last updated:
    16 December, 2021
    Last reviewed:
    16 December, 2021