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    Director-General’s report

    The Department of the Premier and Cabinet was a busy and exciting place to be in 2016–17.

    The department delivered programs in line with objectives to build a safer, fairer, more inclusive and prosperous Queensland. In doing so we were mindful of social inclusion and of considering the needs of all Queenslanders, no matter where they live or what their circumstances may be.

    Our commitment to engage early with stakeholders and to better understand their perspectives is benefiting all Queenslanders, as government programs and legislation reflect a more consultative approach.

    Honouring the commitment to create jobs and opportunities in the regions, we developed and implemented statewide capital works and infrastructure projects and a range of job creation programs, such as Back to Work and Skilling Queensland for Work.

    We continued to drive the Advance Queensland innovation agenda, attracting new investment and creating new industries, such as biofuels, developing industry sector roadmaps and assisting small business.

    We also established the Advance Queensland Industry Attraction Fund to build the appeal of Queensland and attract new business, facilitating job creation, regional growth, and the building of local supply chains.

    The Advancing North Queensland five-point plan outlines government action to build jobs and create more opportunities in the North. The release of the dedicated website——was the culmination of combined departmental efforts across government and bi-annual reporting will keep Queenslanders up-to-date on progress in the region.

    Through the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel, we drafted 484 legislative instruments that totalled 27,371 pages.

    Partnership efforts between our department and the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet resulted in the inaugural COAG National Summit on Reducing Violence against Women and their Children.

    This landmark event put Domestic and Family Violence on the national agenda. Under the summit theme of Connect. Act. Change, the First Ministers and Women’s Safety Ministers from all jurisdictions launched the Third Action Plan 2016–2019 of the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010–2022.

    Our 12-month journey towards achieving White Ribbon Australia workplace accreditation continues—we are proud to be working with White Ribbon and ensuring we have respectful, safe and inclusive workplace cultures and support measures for those affected by domestic and family violence.

    The department continued to address issues around the scourge of ice, hosting the Ice Regional Community Engagement Summit in Rockhampton to better understand the impacts of ice in regional, rural and remote Queensland.

    The Queensland Social Cohesion Implementation Committee released the Cohesive Communities Action Plan 2016–18, which outlines government focus areas and initiatives to enhance social cohesion throughout Queensland, focusing on individuals, families, communities and services.

    As the centenary of the First World War marched on, we supported memorials, events and projects across the state through the Queensland Anzac Centenary Grants Program.

    The department announced four-year funding totalling $30.55 million to 39 arts and cultural organisations through the Organisations Fund 2017–20. We also continued a $28 million critical infrastructure program including increasing electrical safety of the Queensland Performing Arts Centre, the Queensland Museum and the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art.

    While much has been achieved, there is still a lot to accomplish as we strive together to make a real difference in the lives of Queenslanders.

    I thank the department for its contribution and I look forward to continuing to work with people who are dedicated, motivated and innovative.

    Dave Stewart
    Department of the Premier and Cabinet

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    Last updated:
    15 February, 2018
    Last reviewed:
    12 January, 2018