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    Statutory reports

    Government bodies

    As part of the Premier’s portfolio, the following bodies provide their annual report as indicated:

    Name of body Constituting Annual Report arrangements
    Aboriginal Centre for the Performing Arts Pty Ltd Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) Tables financial statements and see Boards and committees section
    Board of the Queensland Museum Queensland Museum Act 1970 Separate Annual Report prepared
    Domestic and Family Violence Implementation Council Terms of Reference See Boards and committees section
    Major Brisbane Festivals Pty Ltd Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) Notes in the financial statements and see Boards and committees section
    Office of the Governor Constitution of Queensland Act 2001 Separate Annual Report prepared
    Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel Legislative Standards Act 1992 Included in DPC’s Annual Report
    Public Service Commission Public Service Act 2008 Separate Annual Report prepared
    Queensland Advisory Committee for the Commemoration of the Anzac Centenary Terms of Reference See Boards and committees section
    Queensland Art Gallery Board of Trustees Queensland Art Gallery Act 1987 Separate Annual Report prepared
    Queensland Art Gallery/ Gallery of Modern Art Foundation Committee Queensland Art Gallery Act 1987 Included in the Queensland Art Gallery Board of Trustees’ Annual Report
    Queensland Audit Office Auditor-General Act 2009 Separate Annual Report prepared
    Queensland Family and Child Commission Family and Child Commission Act 2014 Separate Annual Report prepared
    Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal Act 2013 Separate Annual Report prepared and see Boards and committees section
    Queensland Integrity Commissioner Integrity Act 2009 Separate Annual Report prepared
    Queensland Museum Foundation Queensland Museum Foundation Trust Deed Included in the Board of the Queensland Museum’s Annual Report
    Queensland Music Festival Pty Ltd Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) Tables financial statements and see Boards and committees section
    Queensland Performing Arts Trust Queensland Performing Arts Trust Act 1977 Separate Annual Report prepared
    Queensland Plan Ambassadors Council Queensland Plan Act 2014 See Boards and committees section
    Queensland Social Cohesion Implementation Committee Terms of Reference See Boards and committees section
    Queensland Theatre Company Queensland Theatre Company Act 1970 Separate Annual Report prepared
    Queensland Veterans’ Advisory Council Terms of Reference See Boards and committees section
    Screen Queensland Pty Ltd Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) Tables financial statements and see Boards and committees section

    Ministerial and Other Office Holder Staff

    The Ministerial and Other Officer Holder Staff Act 2010 provides a discrete framework for the employment of ministerial staff, staff of the Office of the Leader of the Opposition and staff of other non-government members of parliament (where determined necessary based on the composition of the Legislative Assembly).

    The employer for these staff is the Director-General of DPC who employs staff on the recommendation of the Premier, the Leader of the Opposition, or relevant member of parliament respectively.

    During 2016–17 there were no staff employed under the Act to support a non-government member of parliament other than the Leader of the Opposition.

    The Act covers the work performance and conduct of staff members through the inclusion of performance and personal conduct principles, ethics values and a specific provision that staff members are not empowered to direct public servants in their own right.

    The Act provides that the Director-General of DPC may issue directives or guidelines about employment matters. In the preceding 12 months there have been no directives issued under the Act.

    A total of 326 staff were employed under the Act for the financial year ending 30 June 2017, with 229 staff employed as at 30 June 2017.


    The following legislation is administered through DPC on behalf of the Premier as at 30 June 2017:

    • Assisted Students (Enforcement of Obligations) Act 1951
    • Auditor-General Act 2009
    • Australian Constitutions Act 1842 (Imperial)
    • Australian Constitutions Act 1844 (Imperial)
    • Australian Waste Lands Act 1855 (Imperial)
    • Century Zinc Project Act 1997 (ss1–4, 5(1), 8, 18–20)
    • Commonwealth Powers (Air Transport) Act 1950
    • Constitution Act 1867
    • Constitution Act Amendment Act 1890
    • Constitution Act Amendment Act 1934
    • Constitution (Fixed Term Parliament) Referendum Act 2015
    • Constitution of Queensland 2001
    • Constitutional Powers (Coastal Waters) Act 1980
    • Emblems of Queensland Act 2005
    • Family and Child Commission Act 2014
    • Governors (Salary and Pensions) Act 2003
    • Integrity Act 2009
    • Legislative Standards Act 1992
    • Ministerial and Other Office Holder Staff Act 2010
    • Off-shore Facilities Act 1986
    • Parliament of Queensland Act 2001
    • Parliamentary Service Act 1988
    • Queensland Art Gallery Act 1987
    • Queensland Boundaries Declaratory Act 1982
    • Queensland Coast Islands Act 1879
    • Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal Act 2013
    • Queensland International Tourist Centre Agreement Act Repeal Act 1989
    • Queensland Museum Act 1970
    • Queensland Performing Arts Trust Act 1977
    • Queensland Plan Act 2014
    • Queensland Theatre Company Act 1970
    • Reprints Act 1992
    • Senate Elections Act 1960
    • Statute of Westminster 1931 (Imperial)
    • Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 (Cth)
    • Statutory Instruments Act 1992

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    Last updated:
    15 February, 2018
    Last reviewed:
    23 January, 2018