The Queensland Government is now in caretaker mode until after the state election. Minimal updates will be made to this site until after the election results are declared.

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    Compliance checklist

    Summary of requirement Basis for requirement Annual report reference
    Letter of compliance
    • A letter of compliance from the accountable officer or statutory body to the relevant Minister/s
    ARRs – section 7
    • Letter of compliance
    • Table of contents
    • Glossary
    ARRs – section 9.1
    • Content
    • Glossary
    • Public availability
    ARRs – section 9.2
    • Communication objective
    • Interpreter service statement
    Queensland Government Language Services Policy
    ARRs – section 9.3
    • Communication objective
    • Copyright notice
    Copyright Act 1968
    ARRs – section 9.4
    • Copyright
    • Information Licensing
    QGEA – Information Licensing
    ARRs – section 9.5
    • Communication objective
    General information
    • Introductory Information

    ARRs – section 10.1

    • Director-General’s report
    • Agency role and main functions
    ARRs – section 10.2
    • About the Department
    • Government objectives for the Community
    • List of Legislation
    • Machinery of Government changes
    ARRs – section 31 and 32
    • About the Department
    • Director-General’s report
    • Operating environment
    ARRs – section 10.3
    • About the department
    Non‑financial performance
    • Government’s objectives for the community
    ARRs – section 11.1
    • About the department
    • Government objectives for the Community
    • Other whole‑of‑government plans / specific initiatives
    ARRs – section 11.2
    • About the Department Our people
    • Agency objectives and performance indicators
    ARRs – section 11.3
    • Policy advice, coordination and Cabinet Support
    • Strategy and Engagement
    • Government Services
    • Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel
    • Agency service areas and service standards
    ARRs – section 11.4
    • Policy advice, coordination and Cabinet Support
    • Strategy and Engagement
    • Government Services
    • Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel
    Financial performance
    • Summary of financial performance
    ARRs – section 12.1
    • Financial Summary
    Governance – management and structure
    • Organisational structure
    ARRs – section 13.1
    • About the Department
    • Executive management
    ARRs – section 13.2
    • Our leaders
    • Government bodies
      (statutory bodies and other entities)
    ARRs – section 13.3
    • Statutory bodies
    • Public Sector Ethics Act 1994
    Public Sector Ethics Act 1994
    ARRs – section 13.4
    • Our people
    • Queensland public service values
    ARRs – section 13.5
    • Our people
    Governance – risk management and accountability
    • Risk management
    ARRs – section 14.1
    • Risk management
    • Audit committee
    ARRs – section 14.2
    • Audit and Risk Management Committee
    • Internal audit
    ARRs – section 14.3
    • Internal audit
    • External scrutiny
    ARRs – section 14.4
    • External scrutiny
    • Information systems and recordkeeping
    ARRs – section 14.5
    • Corporate Support Functions
    Governance – human resources
    • Strategic workforce planning and performance
    ARRs – section 15.1
    • Our people
    • Early retirement, redundancy and retrenchment
    Directive No.11/12 Early Retirement, Redundancy and Retrenchment Directive No.16/16 Early Retirement, Redundancy and Retrenchment (from 20 May 2016)
    ARRs – section 15.2
    • Our people
    Open Data
    • Statement advising publication of information
    ARRs – section 16
    • Corporate Support Functions
    • Consultancies
    ARRs – section 33.1
    • Overseas travel
    ARRs – section 33.2
    • Queensland Language Services Policy
    ARRs – section 33.3
    Financial statements
    • Certification of financial statements
    FAA – section 62
    FPMS – sections 42, 43 and 50 ARRs – section 17.1
    • Financial statements
    • Independent Auditor’s Report
    FAA – section 62 FPMS – section 50 ARRs – section 17.2
    • Financial statements


    • FAA Financial Accountability Act 2009
    • FPMS Financial and Performance Management Standard 2009
    • ARRs Annual report requirements for Queensland Government agencies

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    Last updated:
    22 January, 2019
    Last reviewed:
    22 January, 2019