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    4.9 Second reading

    The Leader of the House is responsible for the government’s daily program of business, including the government’s legislation, and therefore is responsible for the timing of a Bill’s second reading. The Leader of the House sets the notice paper for each day’s sitting.

    The sponsoring Minister or member moves that the Bill be read a second time.

    It is sometimes necessary for the Minister to table an erratum to the explanatory notes presented with a Bill to correct an error or other inaccuracy. For this purpose, the department arranges for the government printer to print the erratum document and deliver copies to the Table Office of Parliament House in accordance with its requirements. After the document is tabled, the department is also responsible for supplying OQPC with an electronic version for publication on the Legislation website. The supply of supplementary explanatory notes to accompany amendments during consideration in detail is separately considered in Chapter 4.7.

    Important detail about requirements for the second reading and related procedures are set out in the Standing Rules and Orders of the Legislative Assembly chapter 25 and The Queensland Parliamentary Procedures Handbook.

    Debate on the second reading is a free ranging debate and may address the principles of the Bill, the portfolio committee’s examination and report and any amendments recommended by the committee.

    Proposed amendments during consideration in detail are sometimes foreshadowed in this debate. Also, the Minister might foreshadow amendments when, at the end of the debate, he or she sums up the debate and comments on contributions from other members.

    At the end of the debate, the Speaker puts a question “That the bill be now read a second time”. Relevant amendments may be proposed to the question. If agreed to, the second reading takes place, with the Clerk of the Parliament again reading the Bill’s short title.

    The Standing Rules and Orders of the Legislative Assembly chapter 25 and The Queensland Parliamentary Procedures Handbook give more detail about this stage of the Bill’s passage through the Legislative Assembly.

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    Last updated:
    15 January, 2020
    Last reviewed:
    13 November, 2013