The Queensland Government is now in caretaker mode until after the state election. Minimal updates will be made to this site until after the election results are declared.

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    Strategic Plan 2020–2024

    Our vision

    Succeeding together to achieve a better life for all Queenslanders.

    We deliver

    • Innovative, effective policy
    • Strategic advantage for Queensland
    • Strong, accountable government
    • A high-performing workforce

    Our role

    Across government and with our stakeholders we lead, advise, collaborate, coordinate, broker, facilitate, communicate, and monitor to deliver on the government’s objectives for the community, build trust in a strong, responsive and accountable system of government and achieve transformational outcomes for Queenslanders.

    The government's objectives for the community are built around Unite and Recover - Queensland's Economic Recovery Plan:

    • Safeguarding our health
    • Supporting jobs
    • Backing small business
    • Making it for Queensland
    • Building Queensland
    • Growing our regions
    • Investing in skills
    • Backing our frontline services
    • Protecting the environment

    Our principles


    We lead by providing a whole-of-government perspective, brokering, coordinating and communicating our common purpose.


    We inspire trust in the system of government by demonstrating integrity, transparency and accountability in everything we do.


    We collaborate with our stakeholders and public sector colleagues to build common understanding and purpose and shared accountability for outcomes.


    We are agile across our workforce empowering and supporting our workforce to meet the changing needs of Queenslanders whilst ensuring a strategic focus on the future.


    We are future-focused, seeking innovative solutions to create value for Queensland to capitalise on strategic opportunities and support for whole-of-government risk.


    We value and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures in our work and we embrace inclusion and diversity because it makes our workplace and our work more representative, robust and more resilient.

    We respect, protect and promote human rights in our decision-making and actions.


    Through our strategic objectives we contribute to the government's objectives for the community:

    Innovative, effective policy

    Lead the policy development process across government, ensuring effective outcomes for Queenslanders.

    Our measures:

    • Our clients are satisfied with our engagement in the policy development process, in support for intergovernmental relations and support provided by Cabinet Services.

    Our strategies:

    • Lead the development of high‑quality, consultative and evidence‑based policy in collaboration with our stakeholders across government.
    • Advance programs and taskforces to deliver on strategic initiatives of government.
    • Supports active engagement in intergovernmental policy negotiations that advances government policy priorities.
    • Continue to lead, coordinate and contribute to the delivery of the Queensland Government’s objectives for the community.
    • Coordinate the government Cabinet program.
    • Provide advice and support on whole-of-government performance management and reporting, and monitor and report on the government’s priorities and commitments.
    • Provide advice and support on the COVID-19 event including agile response and recovery activities.

    Strategic advantage for Queensland

    Inform the strategic direction of government.

    Our measures:

    • Our clients are satisfied with strategic advice and support provided by Strategy and Engagement.

    Our strategies:

    • Lead future-focused strategy and policy development and whole-of-government communications to support the delivery of the Queensland Government’s objectives for the community.
    • Advocate Queensland’s strategic interests and positions in international forums.
    • Support Queensland regions through the Office of Regional and Rural Queensland and the department's network of regional offices across Queensland.
    • Coordinate and provide strategic advice for the Premier’s official overseas visits and functions.
    • Lead the planning and delivery of whole-of-government strategic communications and events, including stakeholder and community engagement programs.

    Strong, accountable government

    Ensure a strong system of government.

    Our measures:

    • Our clients are satisfied with Government Services’ support and advice.

    Our strategies:

    • Coordinate the Executive Council program and provide constitutional support to the Governor.
    • Lead policy and operational advice on government boards, executive government, constitutional and machinery of government matters.
    • Provide corporate services to ministerial offices and the office of the leader of the opposition.
    • Develop, coordinate and implement policies, programs and initiatives that support the government's commitment to veterans.

    A high-performing workforce

    Maintain a high-performing and responsive workforce.

    Our measures:

    • Our employees are positive about their job empowerment, and DPC’s organisational innovation, leadership and engagement.

    Our strategies:

    • Empower our people to perform to their highest level.
    • Foster a customer-centric workforce.
    • Foster a culture that inspires our people to collaborate, lead at all levels and act to enhance their impact in our organisation.
    • Provide efficient and effective business processes and systems that enable staff to work fluidly between working environments.
    • Demonstrate effective fiscal management to align services and outcomes to government’s priorities.
    • Deliver strong corporate governance and risk management including support for whole-of-government risk management.

    Our risks and opportunities

    We will manage our strategic risks:

    • ensuring effective response and recovery planning and implementation to ensure continuity of services
    • maintaining strong and effective governance to prevent fraud and corruption
    • securing our information assets, employing good record keeping in order to prevent data breaches and unauthorised disclosure
    • building and maintaining strong, relevant and purposeful client relationships
    • connecting statewide to achieve informed, timely and effective outcomes for Queenslanders regardless of where they live.

    We will embrace opportunities by:

    • anticipating and responding to global challenges affecting Queensland so we maintain our competitiveness to meet future challenges and keep pace with change
    • driving innovative policy solutions to maximise benefits to Queensland
    • harnessing digital technologies to innovate and continue to improve and making our systems more effective
    • building on our staff capability to empower our people for the future.

    The Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel is a statutory office within the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. View their strategic plan.

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    Last updated:
    17 December, 2020
    Last reviewed:
    18 December, 2020