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    Director-General’s report

    In 2018–19, the Department of the Premier and Cabinet focused on making a positive difference for Queenslanders now and in the future.

    The department supported the Premier, Cabinet and the people of Queensland, working collaboratively across government, industry and the community to advance Queensland's economic and social prosperity.

    The department led the implementation of the government's objectives for the community — Our Future State: Advancing Queensland's Priorities. This included governance oversight and collaboration with lead agencies across the Queensland Government for the six priorities — Create jobs in a strong economy; Give all our children a great start; Keep Queenslanders healthy; Keep communities safe; Protect the Great Barrier Reef; and Be a responsive government.

    Tackling key social issues, the department delivered statewide awareness and advertising campaigns to address domestic and family violence and impacts of ice and supported the Anti-Cyberbullying Taskforce to complete its report in October 2018 with the first progress report made in April 2019.

    In August 2018, DPC introduced a dedicated Criminal Justice System Reform Framework Program Management Office to focus on increased community safety across the state and reduce demand on the criminal justice system.

    Anticipating and responding to global challenges we continued to provide policy support and advice to grow and diversify our economy, advancing the government's clean energy objectives to stimulate renewable, reliable and low-cost energy supply and support industry growth across the state. In May 2019 the new $19 million Queensland Hydrogen Industry Strategy 2019–2024 was released.

    This year saw unprecedented weather events across the state and Queensland's expertise in disaster management, recovery and mitigation came to the fore. I am proud that our world-class expertise has been recognised by the United Nations with the announcement that Brisbane will host the 2020 Asia Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction.

    We also established four new regional offices in Cairns, Mackay, Toowoomba and Longreach in 2018–19, complementing our existing Townsville presence to ensure we continue to connect to achieve informed, timely and effective outcomes for Queenslanders, regardless of where they live.

    In October 2018 the new Parliamentary Counsel, Tony Keyes, was appointed with a vision for the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel to continue to ensure the Queensland statute book is of the highest standard and to maximise online accessibility by members of the public to Queensland laws. A highlight in February 2019 was when Queensland's historic Human Rights Bill 2018 became law.

    November heralded the culmination of the Anzac Centenary celebrations including the Promise to Pause advertising campaign. This was launched to encourage Queenslanders to build a legacy of stopping for one minute's silence at 11am on Remembrance Day, to honour those Queenslanders who have died or served in conflict. As part of a statewide program of activities, the Anzac Legacy Gallery was officially opened to the public on 10 November 2018 with great celebration.

    While a lot has been achieved in 2018–19, there is always more to accomplish. I would like to especially thank Rachel Hunter who expertly led the department during my leave from February to August 2019.

    I also thank the dedicated, hard-working staff in DPC and look forward to continuing to work together to make a positive difference for all Queenslanders.

    Dave Stewart
    Department of the Premier and Cabinet

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    Last updated:
    18 October, 2019
    Last reviewed:
    2 October, 2019