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    3.5 Lodgement process for Cabinet submissions

    Lodgement of a Cabinet submission can occur only when a proposal is fully developed and meets the structural and content guidelines outlined in 5.0

    Preparation of submissions to Cabinet and Cabinet Committees and the consultation requirements as specified in 6.0 Consultation.

    The process is governed by a strict lodgement timeframe. The lodgement deadline for final submissions ensures that Ministers are properly apprised of Cabinet proposals prior to the meeting so that informed deliberations can occur.

    Where a proposal is seeking Cabinet's approval or endorsement of documents for reproduction and circulation purposes (i.e. discussion papers and policy papers or communication material), departments must not pre-empt Cabinet's decision by reproducing the material prior to Cabinet's consideration.

    3.5.1 Advance lodgement of a Cabinet submission

    Advance submissions are required to be lodged with the Cabinet Secretariat by 12.00pm on Monday, three weeks prior to the proposed Cabinet meeting date.

    Advance submissions are a critical step in ensuring the quality of submissions proceeding to Cabinet.

    Advance submissions must be provided for all matters proposed to be brought to Cabinet, unless the Premier’s approval has been obtained for straight to final lodgement.

    Advance lodgement is the registration of an electronic copy of the advance submission and attachments on TCIS.

    The advance submission should be approved by the Minister prior to lodgement with the Cabinet Secretariat. The Minister does not need to sign the advance submission.

    Submissions which have not been advance lodged in a timely fashion, or approved for straight to final lodgement, may only proceed to Cabinet in exceptional circumstances.

    The Cabinet Office will provide feedback to agencies on advance submissions as soon as possible.

    Notwithstanding feedback provided on the advance submission, the final form of the submission is ultimately a matter for the signing Minister/s.

    The final submission should clearly outline major issues identified in feedback and how this feedback has been incorporated or the reasons this feedback has not been adopted. 

    Although advance submissions may be lodged with the Cabinet Secretariat, it remains the Premier's prerogative to determine whether a submission will proceed to Cabinet. Refer to 3.4 Determination of the business list for Cabinet meetings.

    3.5.2 Lodgement of final copy of a Cabinet submission

    Final submissions are required to be lodged with the Cabinet Secretariat by 1.00pm on the Tuesday prior to the Cabinet meeting.

    Final lodgement is the registration of an electronic copy of the final copy of the submission and attachments on TCIS. Corrigendum

    If after lodging a final Cabinet submission, an amendment is required to be made, a corrigendum should be lodged with an appropriate replacement page(s).

    A corrigendum is used to correct substantive errors or omissions in a Cabinet submission that has already been lodged with the Cabinet Secretariat.

    Ministers are required to seek approval from the Premier to progress a corrigendum.

    CLLOs must advise the Cabinet Secretariat immediately when they become are aware that a corrigendum is required and, subject to approval, must lodge the replacement page(s) and corrigendum explanation, including submission number and a brief description of what has been altered, with the Cabinet Secretariat on TCIS.

    CLLOs should consider the impact of the corrigendum on the original submission, for example page numbering and double-sided copies, and factor this into the wording and format of the corrigendum.

    Corrigenda that have been approved to progress by the Premier will be distributed to Ministers and Chief Executive Officers as per the security classification.

    3.5.3 Lodgement of late final copy of a Cabinet submission

    Should a Minister need to lodge a submission that will not meet prescribed lodgement deadlines, the prior approval of the Premier must be obtained. Approval is to be sought by the Minister in writing, including sufficient detail so that the Premier may make an informed decision based on the merits of the situation. The written request may be lodged with the Premier through the Cabinet Secretary.

    Generally, approval will be given by the Premier only where there is a clear case of urgency which will not allow deferral of the submission to a future Cabinet meeting.

    The Cabinet Secretary is not authorised to include a proposed late submission on the Cabinet agenda until approval is received from the Premier.

    If the Premier approves late lodgement of a submission, the submission must be lodged with the Cabinet Secretariat as close as possible to the Tuesday cut-off and by no later than 5.00pm on the Wednesday before the Cabinet meeting.

    3.5.4 Oral Cabinet submissions

    An oral submission is one which is provided verbally to Cabinet by a Minister without prior circulation of a written submission. Accordingly, there is no formal lodgement process to be followed.

    As Ministers will not have had the opportunity to be informed prior to the meeting, complex matters requiring detailed deliberation should not be presented, unless there is no other option.

    A Minister may only make an oral submission if the Premier has given prior approval.

    Where an approval for an oral submission is being sought, the Cabinet Secretary should be advised so appropriate arrangements in respect of the Cabinet agenda and minutes may be made.

    3.5.5 Audio-visual presentations

    Supplementary material (such as audio-visual presentations, maps, dashboards, and slides) may be used as supplements to written Cabinet documents.

    It is the responsibility of the relevant Minister to ensure the Premier's approval is obtained for any supplementary material proposed to be provided to Cabinet.

    In preparing supplementary material, officers should liaise with the Cabinet Secretariat at the earliest opportunity to ensure supplementary material is prepared in accordance with Cabinet Secretary guidelines, and appropriate arrangements can be made for the presentation and/or distribution of the material.

    3.5.6 Matters to Note

    The purpose of Matters to Note is to inform Cabinet of upcoming significant decisions and public announcements that would not otherwise go before Cabinet. Matters to Note are for noting only by Cabinet; if a matter needs to be discussed in greater detail, Cabinet may decide that a formal submission be developed and brought to Cabinet at a later date.

    All items for Matters to Note must be received at Cabinet Services by 1pm on the Tuesday before Cabinet.

    Matters to Note are to be limited to a single page and are generally not to include attachments. Agreement should be sought from the Cabinet Secretary to lodge a Matter to Note which exceeds the page limit or includes an attachment.

    Matters to note should be formatted in accordance with the Matter to Note template in the Appendices.

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    Last updated:
    21 March, 2024
    Last reviewed:
    21 March, 2024