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    5.3 Assistant Ministers

    The entitlements outlined below will be considered as a standard for all Assistant Ministers. Any variation to the standard entitlements will require the approval of the Premier.

    Expenditure Authorisation

    Assistant Ministers can authorise their own expenditure to a limit of $10,000 per transaction.

    A Minister may authorise their Assistant Minister’s expenditure up to the Minister’s delegated limit.

    Home Phone

    Entitlement as a Member of Parliament (MP) is paid through Parliament House. See section 4.11.1 of this Handbook.

    Home faxes are not provided except where a clear business need can be demonstrated.

    Travel Entitlements

    • Allowances from Parliament House are available for MP activities, but not for official Assistant Minister duties.
    • Refer to 4.13.3 Domestic Travel for travel entitlements for official Assistant Minister duties.

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    Last updated:
    18 May, 2016
    Last reviewed:
    3 April, 2014