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    4.11 Telecommunications

    4.11.1 Minister

    Ministers are provided with additional telephones/lines so that adequate access to the Minister is available at all times. The cost of these telephones/lines is a charge to the Office of the Minister.


    Ministers may be supplied with up to two lines for official purposes in their residence. Within this allocation the Minister can opt for any combination of telephone, fax or internet service that will best meet official business requirements. It should be noted that a maximum monthly limit applies to reimbursement of internet service costs.

    In addition, rental and service charges and 85% of the cost of all calls for the Minister’s private line in their residence will be a charge to the Office of the Minister.

    Relocating phones within the Minister’s residence is a private cost.

    The above does not apply to Assistant Ministers.

    Mobile phones

    Ministers are given a smart phone with a car kit provided in the Minister’s official car.

    The mobile services are in the name of Ministerial Services and are billed direct to Ministerial Services. Reasonable call costs are a charge to the Office of the Minister.

    Use of the phone is at the total discretion of the Minister including private non business use.

    The standard for smart phones/tablets supported on the network is approved by the Office of the Premier. Privately owned smart phones can be connected to the ministerial network. Ministers using approved BYO devices must sign a BYO policy document. Non approved devices will be seen as a breach to the Ministerial network security and will be disabled.

    If the BYO device is the phone associated with the Minister’s electorate office, Ministerial Services will only reimburse costs identified as ministerial call costs.

    Accounts in the name of the Minister

    Reimbursements or upfront payments will be made for rental and service charges and 85% of the cost of all calls for the Minister’s private line.
    Reimbursements or upfront payments will be made for installation costs, rental and service charges and 100% of call costs for the Minister’s official line/s. Where a Minister chooses to use an internet service on an official line, reimbursement of 100% of the costs up to a maximum of $100 per month.


    Telephone and other lines in residences will not be in the name of the Queensland Government. Arrangements for installation need to be made by the Minister or an authorised person. Payment of accounts in the Minister’s name will be made:

    1. by reimbursement once proof of payment and a payment voucher authorised by the Minister is submitted to Ministerial Services; or
    2. direct by Ministerial Services on the account summary attached to a claim for payment authorised by the Minister. If direct payment is required, claims should be lodged as early as possible.

    Internet Connection - Assistant Minister

    An Assistant Minister may choose to be reimbursed 85% of a private internet connection in lieu of the reimbursement (by Parliament House) for one home telephone line.

    4.11.2 Staff

    The use of telecommunication equipment carries with it certain responsibilities. Incorrect or inappropriate use can have serious consequences for the government. The following policy and guidelines clarifies the responsibilities of ministerial staff in using this equipment and establishes standards of professional and ethical conduct.


    Smart phones are available for staff for official purposes and will be provided at the discretion of the Office of the Premier. Staff should consider economy and efficiency when using this equipment.

    The standard for smart phones/tablets supported on the network is approved by the Office of the Premier. Privately owned devices can be connected to the ministerial network if approved by the relevant Chief of Staff. Staff using approved BYO devices must sign a BYO policy document. Non approved devices will be seen as a breach to the ministerial network security and will be disabled.

    In addition to smart phones allocated to individual staff for official purposes, ministerial offices will also be provided with an official mobile phone for office use.

    Staff who are allocated a car and an office mobile phone will be entitled to a hands-free kit installed in the car.

    Inappropriate Use

    Telecommunications usage must be able to withstand public scrutiny and/or disclosure. Inappropriate use of telecommunications equipment can lead to disciplinary action and/or the revocation of telecommunication entitlements.

    Unauthorised accessing, transmitting or storing of material that might bring the government into disrepute is not permitted.

    Do not use official telecommunications equipment to:

     call 0055 or 1900 prefixed information lines;
     maintain or support a personal or private business;
     defame, harass, abuse or otherwise offend other users, individuals or organisations;
     download, store or distribute offensive material (via camera, SMS or MMS);
     access chat lines or information services that incur additional costs.

    Staff should assume that information stored on this equipment (e.g. messages, photos) can be retrieved if not deleted by the user.

    Any employee found to have used a Government owned communication or information device to download, store or distribute pornography will be dismissed.

    Personal use of government funded telecommunications equipment

    Ministerial staff are often required to be on call, travel for work purposes or work away from the office for extended periods. On that basis, reasonable personal use of government funded telecommunications equipment is permitted where it:

     is not used to support a private business;
     does not interfere with the operation of the Government;
     does not violate any State/agency policy or related State/Federal legislation and regulation.

    Personal use should be kept to a minimum. Mobile phone usage is monitored regularly and reimbursement for private calls may be required.

    4.11.3 Office

    Telecommunications equipment and lines are provided to meet official needs.

    Normal phone services provided to Members of Parliament are a responsibility of and a charge to the Parliamentary Service.

    Satellite Phones and Conference phone

    A number of satellite phones are available from Ministerial Services for loan purposes. Satellite phones are not provided to ministerial offices on an ongoing basis because of the high cost.

    A conference phone is also held by Ministerial Services for loan purposes.


    Repairs and maintenance of any approved equipment and telephone lines are chargeable to the Office of the Minister.

    Requests for repairs should be directed through Ministerial Services.

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    Last updated:
    18 May, 2016
    Last reviewed:
    17 October, 2012