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    Welcome Aboard: A Guide for Members of Queensland Government Boards, Committees and Statutory Authorities

    Welcome Aboard: A Guide for Members of Queensland Government Boards, Committees and Statutory Authorities is part of the Governing Queensland suite of handbooks.

    It outlines the role of government boards and those who serve the community as members. The Guide also gives details about how boards are established.


    Describes how government bodies are in most cases established by or under an Act of Parliament. Members of the public with relevant experience or skills may be considered for membership to government boards when vacancies arise, when a new government agency is set up, or when a body or an individual's term of office expires. Appointment to a government board carries with it serious responsibilities and obligations. It is vital that current members or those who are newly chosen for such appointments understand the scope of the task.

    The guide will assist the:

    • establishment and operation of government boards
    • members in effective performance of their duties
    • officers responsible for appointing members
    • Chairs and Chief Executive Officers responsible for selection and induction

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    Last updated:
    25 May, 2018
    Last reviewed:
    29 July, 2010